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How to Successfully Work From Home

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are still operating… remotely. Since I will be quarantined from society for three (maybe more) weeks, it is imperative I effectively accomplish my duties without falling into of temptation Netflix, social media and online shopping. Working from home definitely has its challenges but we have to remain on top of our grind and continue securing the bag. Here are my tips to make WFH NBD.

Freshen Up

I always start my day with a nice shower (except when I hit the gym first thing in the morning). A shower before starting work invigorates and awakens your senses. If you roll out of bed and immediately start working, I guarantee you’ll feel sluggish, lazy and unconcerned (catch the Frank Ocean reference). Remember, just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you neglect self-care. Always be prepared to put your best face forward. I’ve been working from home for 4 days and have attended over 5 impromptu Skype video conferences with my team. Wake up, freshen up, apply some skincare then get to work. If you need some skincare recommendations, check out my updated skincare routine!

Natural Light

Living in an apartment with small windows poses a challenge now that I have moved back home from university. I miss the luxury of having windows that spanned from ceiling to floor to maximize the amount of natural light entering my space. Being informed that I had to work from home until further notice, I immediately reorganized my room’s setup to enhance the amount of natural light received. Having the sunlight penetrate through my windows even seeing (and hearing) the rain pour boosts my mood, motivates me to work and produces Vitamin D. Furthermore, my room feels larger, more inviting and relaxed. I highly recommend this practice.


Keep it CLean

I had a major epiphany writing this post: I work at coffee shops to escape mess and distracting items I don’t need. I admit I am not a messy person, but I can be OCD. For instance, I think a crooked frame is a mess and it distracts me from completing tasks. Because venturing to coffee shops is not advised during this period of quarantine, I ensure my bed is made, my clothes are neatly folded and other unnecessary items are stored away from my sight. As dramatic as it sounds, my breathing improves once I organize my space and minimize the amount of items lying around. Maintaining a clean environment promotes a clear mind, reduces anxiety and enhances focus. Since work is stressful enough, give your brain a break by tidying up.


Inspired Essentials

Building upon minimization, its okay to have key essentials and items that fuel inspiration and creativity nearby. For instance, keeping a bottle of water, a cup of tea and maybe some Advil within arms reach isn’t a bad thing: it will prevent repetitive trips to and from the kitchen. I also keep a candle burning to set the mood (preferably Sweater Weather or Bergamot Waters from Bath & Body Works). However, to remain inspired, I always have literature in sight. For example, pursuing my Writing Minor in university required a constant influx of creativity and ideas. Displaying coffee table books on my desk about fashion and photography inspired my exploration of new topics and issues. Have whatever works for you, but don’t go overboard.


A Good Playlist

You can never go wrong with a good playlist. Right now, there are so many good compilations on Spotify that sustain my concentration and positivity. Personally, I don’t like listening to podcasts while I work because certain conversation tend to distract me (e.g.) Episode 6 of Pratt Cast (if you were a fan of “The Hills” then this podcast is for you). Take this time to discover new artists, explore to complete albums and add new tracks to your personal playlist. Avoid listening to songs you know. A study revealed that participants who listened to songs they knew while they worked quickly lost focus and performed poorly compared to those that listened to “unknown” tunes. Shoot me a message if you need some new bops. I always love sharing!

For all of you working from home, I hope these tips were able to help! Although these times ma y appear uncertain, shifting your focus towards the little positives like self-care, warmer weather, your interests and good music can help power you through your workweek, while fuelling some optimism. Let me know what you do to effectively work from home!



wellnessJonah Medina