
Welcome to a candid look into my life.



How I have Been Dealing With Quarantine

The past four weeks have been extremely polar. There are moments that I have enjoyed and others I cannot bear to relive. Ever since the news of COVID-19 and the strict precautions of the government, life has not been the same. I would be ignorant to compare my life to a prisoner but in the words of Katy Perry, I definitely feel “chained to the rhythm” of something unexplainable. Since childhood, I’ve been taught to remain optimistic and grateful for the positives that have blossomed from a dark period. With that being said, I’ve created a list of my “positives” that have come about during this pandemic.

Discovered New Favourites

With more downtime on my hands, I have binged new series on Netflix that have me re-evaluating my life. As someone who loves a hard-hitting teen drama, I felt obliged to give Élite a chance. A Netflix Original that follows the dark lives of privileged Spanish teenagers, I am left gagging at every plot twist and unexpected death. The series fuelled my interest in Latin pop culture. Within no time, I found myself binging other Spanish Netflix Originals like Toy Boy and La Casa de Papel. Having binged these series, I can confirm that the Spanish know how to entertain an audience. Each show was filled with good music, envious fashions, juicy storylines and an attractive main cast. Had it not been for social quarantine, I probably would’ve been in bed watching overachieving DIY tutorials on YouTube due to limited time for myself.

Prioritized Myself

What a perfect segway to my next point: self-care. Working a hectic 9 to 5 (realistically 7 to 7 if you factor in travel time), I barely had time to do things for myself. Sure, I would go for a quick walk during lunch, but rarely did I feel zen or carefree. Because these dire times have provided the blessing of extra time, I ensured to prioritize my skincare, fitness and mental health. Every morning, I would take my time completing my skincare routine without skipping any steps and every evening I would go for a walk. Basically, I am reliving my routine back in university. I wouldn’t say I had all the time in the work back in undergrad, but I definitely made time for myself in between my classes and all nighters. Through self-care I realized that essential aspects of my life were neglected to prioritize work. But, I wouldn’t have worked efficiently had I not invested in myself.


Saved Money

This is probably the most relatable one on my list. For the first time in forever, the only transactions in my bank account were direct deposits from work. Although there are many items I want to purchase, it feels good not to spend money! As sad as it sounds, this has been the longest time since I have spent money. Reflecting upon my previous spending habits, I am disappointed to admit that retail therapy actually made me happy. I swear reading words like “new arrivals” or “sale” produced endorphins in my body. Worst of all, waiting for the cashier to read the final total of my purchases triggered an invigorating adrenaline rush through my bones. Because of COVID-19, my happiness now resides in good health, time spent at home and enjoying my parents’ home cooked meals (which I haven’t had in a long time).

Rekindled Friendships

Being in quarantine has allowed me to reconnect with old friends I have not communicated with in years. Whether it be over FaceTime or several voice memos, catching up with some of my favourite people have been priceless. Just hearing a voice I haven’t heard in ages and realizing they haven’t changed gets me so excited. The harsh reality is, if it weren’t for this virus, I guarantee you that reconnecting with certain individuals would occur. I love when things occur organically, but at times, it takes a little push in order to start. Thankfully, B-list celebrities have stopped singing “Imagine” and have inspired unity and connection through Instagram Lives with old friends. My only wish is for people to mean their connections and not jump on a celebrity bandwagon. You may be doing it for clout, but the person on the line may truly need deep conversation.


Each night I try my best to find time to reflect on my day. Did I learn something new? Did I take time to prioritize my wellbeing? How have my actions impacted someone else? Through writing this post I realized that I needed a break from work and my social circle. In addition, I realized that I didn’t need to dine at the newest hotspots or purchase the latest sneaker drop in order to generate emotions of happiness and validation. Although my list does not provide permanent relief during an uncertain climate, these tiny positives have me relaxed and hopeful for better days ahead.

What’s on your list?

